Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin
371.8 Siswa, Murid, Pelajar
2018-01-18 03:25:11
Abstract :
This research aimed to analyze students’ errors in using gerund at Madrasah
Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Makassar. The research problem of this research were
divided into two points : 1) what kinds of errors are made by students of the third
grade of MAN 1 Makassar in using gerund? 2) what are the causes of the errors in
using gerund by the third grade students of MAN 1 Makassar? Then, the objectives of
this research were also diveded into two points : 1) To find out the kinds of errors
made by students of the third grade OF MAN 1 Makassar. 2) To know the causes of
the errors in using gerund by the third grade students of MAN 1 Makassar.
The research methods of this research were Mixed method. The population of
this research was the third grade students of MAN 1 Makassar which consists of 265
students and the sample of this research was the third grade of Religion class which
consists of 36 students. Method of taking sample was purposive sampling. The
research instrument of this research was written test (gerund’s questions) and
interview. There were some steps of data collecting procedures. They were giving
test, submitting, and analyzing the data of interview.
The result of the research showed that, every student had errors in using
gerund. The highest errors was on using gerund after preposition, then using gerund
as direct object, and the last the using gerund after preposition. But overall, there
were 13 students of 29 respondents got highest errors over 50%. Further, the caused
of errors commonly came from internal and external factors, such as students’
interest, teacher’s learning style, the time, and and students’ difficulties in
distinguishing between gerund and present participle. Therefore, this research
benefits both of teacher and students. The teacher knows the errors that the students
commonly made. However, when the student commits an error, they can correct it.
The teacher can explain to the students the causes of the error so that they can refine
their error.Here, the teacher makes decisions like determining the right method to
teach English, especially gerund lessons. In other hand, the students also know their
errors and learn from it.