Conversational Implicature Based on the Cooperative Principle of Humorous Utterances in Reader's Digest Magazine
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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

425 Tata Bahasa Inggris 
2018-01-19 06:42:32 
Abstract :
This research discussed about Conversational Implicature based on the Cooperative Principle of Humorous Utterances in Reader’s Digest Magazine that contained the Violation the maxim and conversational implicature. This research was based on Grice’s theory about implicature which divided cooperative principle into four maxims, those are quantity maxim, quality maxim, relation maxim, and manner maxim. The research method was descriptive qualitative method. The findings showed that there were 12 conversational implicatures in humor of Reader’s Digest magazine which violated all the maxims, there were 2 conversations violated of quantity maxim, 3 conversations violated of quality maxim, 1 conversation violated of relation maxim, 3 conversations violated of manner maxim, and 3 conversations violated 2 maxims in conversation at once that is maxim combination. The violation of maxims as genesis of conversational implicatures was functioning as the support of humors. Most written humors violated Cooperative Principle in order to be funny. The utterances of violating one or more of those maxims potentially became the support of humors because its implicature added to the discourse of humorousness. 

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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin