Snobbery in J.K. Rowling’s Novel “The Casual Vacancy"
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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

823 Fiksi Inggris, Prosa Inggris 
2018-12-06 01:41:56 
Abstract :
This thesis studied about the analysis of snobbery in J.K. Rowling’s novel “The Casual Vacancy”. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and to describe the snobbery of Pagford inhabitants as strategy to mantain certain position and Field inhabitants’ ways of life as strategy to attain benefits. The theory of a sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu, is used to find out the ways Pagford people use snobbery as strategy and the ways Field inhabitants use their position as strategy. The method of this research is qualitative method concerned with the description and explanation of snobbery phenomenon. Sociology of literature approach is used to connect the social issue occured in the novel and the social condition of England the time the novel was published. In this thesis, the writer found two ways of snobbery as strategy of Pagford inhabitants to mantain their position in the novel; the first is snobbish attitudes toward position or attributes such as job and achievement, social, family, and educational background. The second is the snobbish attitudes toward properties and appearance such as house or house ornaments, cars, and fashion. Those are the strategies to be recognized as the part of upper class, to be accepted and honored in the social relationship, and to position themselves better and superior than others. Meanwhile, the writer also found the ways of life of Field inhabitants including their habitus, capitals, and position as the strategy to gain benefits from capitalist. Field inhabitants are depicted to have bad habitus. Field is composed of unemployments, criminals, and prostitutes. The bad habitus of Field society leads them to be lack of capitals then eventually positions them in the lowest class society and makes them live by the state welfare. This thesis implicates how snobbery has become the social phenomenon in life and implicitly forms the perspective in looking at the surroundings. Expectantly, this thesis can encourage the students of English and Literature to learn more about snobbery in our social life as it is manifested in literary works. 

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Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin