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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Sandy A., Peter
HB Economic Theory 
2020-04-21 04:03:36 
Abstract :
In this globalization era, many changes and advances occurring in the modern business world, including the culinary business that started to change that initially only provide a menu of dishes such as food and beverages for sale turned into a modern concept that offers a variety of services. Restaurant which was originally as a place to meet necessary eating and drinking become a place to gather, socialize, exchange ideas and expand the network / relationship. Employers restaurant often paid attention to customer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction can be created by understanding customers from a variety of factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product, price, promotion, location and quality of service to customer satisfactio in Jade Imperial Restaurant Surabaya partially. The number of respondents who were taken in this study amounted to 97 people. Research results show that the value of the adjusted r square of 0.424, meaning donations variable product, price, promotion, and the quality of service of consumer satisfaction variables of 42.4%. The first hypothesis States that the influential product significantly to consumer satisfaction in the Jade Imperial Restaurant on test results, note that the value thitung = (0.013) < ttabel = (1.986) with significant value of 0.990 > 0.05 then products are not influential significantly to consumer satisfaction. The second hypothesis States that the price effect significantly to consumer satisfaction in the Jade Imperial Restaurant, based on the test results it is known that the value thitung = (0.020) < ttabel = (1.986) with significant nilia 0.984 > 0.05 so prices do not influential significantly to consumer satisfaction. The third hypothesis stated that the promotional effect significantly to consumer satisfaction in the Jade Imperial Restaurant, based on the test results it is known that the value thitung = (3.930) = ttabel > (1.986) with significant value 0.000 < 0.05 then promotions influential significantly to consumer satisfaction. The fourth hypothesis States that the location of the influential significantly to consumer satisfaction in the Jade Imperial Restaurant, based on the test results it is known that the value thitung = (2.104) = ttabel > (1.986) with significant value 0.038 < 0.05 then location influential significantly to consumer satisfaction. The fifth hypothesis States that the quality of service effect significantly to consumer satisfaction in the Jade Imperial Restaurant, based on the test results it is known that the value thitug = (2.763) = ttabel > (1.986) with significant value of 0.007 < 0.05 then quality of service effect significantly to consumer satisfaction. Then Jade Imperial Restaurant should pay attention to promotions, the location and quality of service. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika