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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Tjahyadi, Vincent Setiawan
HB Economic Theory 
2020-04-21 04:14:36 
Abstract :
Along with the increasingly in the modern era, makes business competition increasingly tighter. This can be seen by the number of new companies or organizations that are beginning to be established, so that quality human resources are needed to support the company. Performance is basically influenced by several factors, both internal and external factors. One of the factors that can affect the performance of employee is a participative leadership style. In addition, the motivation is also very necessary in terms of the performance of employee support where motivation can increase employee morale so that employees feel comfortable in doing their work and the job can be done well and correctly. So companies need to know the desired motivation of employees and with the motivation of the company then employees have the spirit of work in the achievement of corporate goals that have been planned and in the end the company has employees who have the ability, skills and proficiency in work. This research uses two independent variables (X), namely participative leadership style (X1), motivation (X2) with dependent variable (Y) that is the performance of employee. The population of this study were employees at Baby Smile School Surabaya and the samples were taken as many as 38 respondents, so this samples was saturated samples. Measurement data used is Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classic Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination, and Test t. This research used SPSS 20.0. From the results of research that has been done obtained results that, all item from the statement was valid, and all variabel was said reliable. From the results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis has obtained modeling that is Y = 0.852 + 0.236X1 + 0.649X2. From the results of determination coefficient obtained results that the relationship between participative leadership style (X1), and motivation (X2) on performance of employee (Y) is moderate that is equal to 0,552. From the result of test t, the result is participative leadership style (X1) with tcount 2,199> ttable 2.030 and significance value 0,035 < 0,05 it can be said that participative leadership style variable have significant effect to performance of employee at Baby Smile School in Surabaya, The result of test t for motivation (X2) with tcount 4,515> ttable 2.030 and significance value 0,000 <0,05, it can be said that motivation variable have significant effect to performance on employee at Baby Smile School in Surabaya. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika