Mekanisme Pelaporan PPN Menggunakan E-Faktur Pada PT. Ikanindo Rekatama Cipta Di Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Darongke, Megaria Silvia Lestari
HF5601 Accounting 
2023-04-17 03:10:29 
Abstract :
One type tax has a significant role in state revenue is Value Added Tax (VAT). Seeing the large number of transactions that occur either on the sale where Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) must issue a Tax Invoice Output to a partner or purchaser of goods or services or the purchase of which the Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) paid Invoice Input Tax on the acquisition of taxable goods (BKP) or taxable services (JKP). Accuracy in reporting of Value Added Tax (VAT) by using E - Invoicing to simplify the process of reporting to the Tax Office (KPP) according to their respective areas. With the E - Invoicing , PT . Ikanindo Rekatama Copyright easier in the process of inputting and reporting to the Tax Office (KPP) . 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika