Implementasi Audit Operasional Quality Control Dalam Pembuatan Software House Pada PT. QL COM Solusi Bisnis Di Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Manik, Soviana
HF5601 Accounting 
2021-01-05 06:21:22 
Abstract :
Thesis entitled "Implementation of Operational Audit Quality Control In Making Software House at PT. QL Com Business Solutions in Surabaya ". The study aims to answer the question how to conduct operational audits in the activities of the quality control that is carried out at PT. QL Com Business Solutions in Surabaya. This study also wanted to know how the implementation of SOP regards quality control software development house. This research data using descriptive qualitative research method to conduct a field survey through interviews. Interviews were conducted with questionnaires to section supervisors and other members of the quality control. Further observation, research plays observing the activities of quality control and documentation. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the technique of editing (the re-examination of all the data obtained, organizing (recast the data have been obtained in the study), and the discovery of the results by analyzing the data have been obtained. The results of this study, namely, the implementation of operational audit quality control in software development house. audit of operational funding done at PT. QL Com Business Solutions in Surabaya consists of five phases, which include audit preparation, preparation of audit programs, the assignment of the audit, reporting and follow-up. Based on the audit findings in examination of operational audit of PT. QL Qom Business Solutions in Surabaya showed that from January to the month of july 2016 occurred the non-conformance SOP implementation of quality control, found the implementation of SOP existing inappropriate and ineffective, due during the month of January to the month of july 2016 there are some parts that do not understand the quality control SOP and even do not know that there are quality control SOP. So conducted by the quality control is not in accordance with the SOP that already exist in writing. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika