Pengaruh Gaji, Jaminan Kesejahteraan, Lingkungan Kerja, Sarana dan Fasilitas Kerja, serta Sikap Rekan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Bank Mayapada lnternasional,Tbk Cabang Pemuda Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Kurniawati, Yenny
HB Economic Theory 
2020-07-06 11:03:06 
Abstract :
A leader needs to create the factors that can be a source ofjob satisfaction to corporate goals and objectives can be achieved. Employees who are dissatisfied at work, can make mistakes and other negative things that could hurt the company. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of salary, welfare benefits, work environment, facilities and amenities as well as the attitude of colleagues working simultaneously and partial effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya. In this study the object of his research is the salary, welfare benefits, work environment, facilities and employment facilities and the attitude of colleagues who have an influence on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya of the study subjects are employees of Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya. Sampling in this study conducted with a sample of 40 respondents. Testing research using multiple linear regression models. Measurement scale used is a Likert scale. The results showed that the salaries, welfare benefits, work environment, facilities and employment facilities and the attitude of peers has an influence on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya. F test results proved that the variable salary, welfare benefits, work environment, facilities and amenities as well as the attitude of colleagues working simultaneously or jointly affect employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, where the value Fcount> Ftabel the 3.601> 2.49. By using the t test proved that: salary (Xl) effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, proved tcount> ttable is 2.471> 2.032, welfare benefits (X2) had no effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, proved tcount 2.032, the working environment (X3) had no effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, proved tcount 2.032, tools and working facilities (X4) had no effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, proved tcount 2.032, and the attitude of co-workers (X5) had no effect on employee job satisfaction Mayapada International Bank.Inc,Tbk Pemuda Branch Surabaya, proved tcount 2.032. From the research results can be obtained evidence that the variables that influence on employee job satisfaction Mayapada PT Bank International, Inc. Youth Branch Surabaya is the salary variable (Xl) with t count value= 2.471 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika