Audit Kepatuhan Pengelolaan Persediaan pada Cafe Tong Tji di Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Samuel, Michael Nanda Purnomo
HF5601 Accounting 
2020-07-06 11:06:01 
Abstract :
Orderliness in activity has been the hope of every entity. To create orderliness, need a policy to regulate any activity of the entity. Policies that regulate every activity can be called as Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), the potential benefit is efficiency of activity due to the operation each activity in accordance with the policies or procedures that have been defined. In this research, audit activity will be conducted to assess the level of compliance between inventory management activities with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Assessments of compliance was conducted to provide information to the entity about the level of compliance of inventory management activity which also help to provide solutions ofthe problems that occured. From the results of this research concluded that inventory is the main focus for the company, but in an attempt to keep inventory is still many deficiency in its implementation. The deficiency is due to the awareness of every personal is still lacking and reflected in the level of compliance to procedure is still not optimal, although the function of a Standard Operating Procedure has been fulfilled. Therefore, it is needed to improve the terms ofpolicy or procedure that are more emphasized in every implementation and monitoring of each working unit which related there. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika