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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Suryawati, Nany
K Law (General) 
2019-10-22 04:36:56 
Abstract :
The provision of Article 1 Clause (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is an affirmation that the State of the Republic of Indonesia is a State of Law, therefore, in every act of government and citizens must be based on law, thus the law has the highest position in the State administration. On that basis, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia provides recognition, protection and guarantee of the fulfillment of human rights, including the political rights of every citizen. The nature of political rights is a fundamental and inherent right of each individual, and makes no distinction between human beings, whether of ethnicity, race, religion or gender. Based on this, it must be understood that the human rights of every citizen are equal, both the right to vote and the right to be elected. Every country based on law is a State of Law and based on democracy, with sovereignty in the hands of the people, all laws and regulations must and must prioritize the interests of the people, including protection and guarantee for the fulfillment of the human rights of every citizen, especially the women's political rights and the women is not a second class citizen, but has the same status as men, in the State of the Republic of Indonesia contained in Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which states about equality before the law. The problem formulated in this research is 2 (two) things, that is related to the theory and the concept about justice and equality, is about fulfillment of the women's political rihgt, and how the progres of manifestation of the rights of citizens in a prespective of democracy. Based on the research and analysis and discussion that has been done in Chapter I, II and III, the following is stated conclusion that an answer to the problems in this study, as follows: to gived the foundation for women to fight for the fulfillment of their political rights, especially the women's political rights and that's is a answer about popular sovereignty and democracy in a State of Law. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika