Analisis Service Quality,Customer Relationship Manajemen dan Price terhadap Customer Loyalty melalui Customer Satisfaction Pada Apotek Tiara Citra Raya Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Saputri, Peppi Rizqi
HB Economic Theory 
2020-10-07 09:36:20 
Abstract :
Today pharmacy in Indonesia has grown and expanded in a dimension quite spacious and reassure. Support fairly modern technology has been able to produce large quantities of drugs with an extensive distribution network .Development of the pharmaceutical industry in line with the advancement of the human mind the importance of maintaining health.t 's had an impact on the development of pharmacy in Surabaya . Climate increasing competition between pharmacies . Enhanced active servis quality improvement efforts . Seeing the number of competitors , the pharmacy must also consider the price factor . Increasing competition obliges pharmacies to be able to maintain and increase the loyalty of existing customers . Therefore, it is important for all businesses to be able to establish a good relationship with the customer . The object of this research is the analysis of service quality , customer relationship management ( CRM ) and the price the pharmacy loyalty Tiara Citra Raya Surabaya with customer satisfaction as the Mediation . Questionnaires were distributed to 100 respondents . The sampling technique used by non-probability sampling approach . Analysis of the data used are validity and reliability , the classic assumption test , test mediation , determinant coefficient analysis and t-test . In this study the authors to test instrument using SPSS for windows 23 . Seeing the results of the data output can be concluded that the variables of service quality and price significantly to customer satisfaction and the loyalty . While the CRM is not significantly better on customer satisfaction and the loyalty . Test shows that customer satisfaction mediation is a mediation service quality on loyalty and a mediation between the price on loyalty . As for the variables CRM ,customer satisfaction is not mediating . 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika