Persepsi Karyawan Terhadap Budaya Tipping Di Departemen Front Office Hotel Novotel Samator Surabaya Timur
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Watulingas, Calvin Mercy Ebenhaezer
HB Economic Theory 
2020-10-21 07:06:47 
Abstract :
Nowadays tipping is a common practice among Indonesians, especially in the tourism industry in the hotel sector. One indicator of hotel business is the room occupancy rate. To maintain the quality of services provided to remain good, adequate quality of human resources is needed and if employees are seen to have provided satisfactory services, then consumers will emerge appreciation from consumers to employees, and one form of consumer appreciation is giving more bonuses in the form of tips. Based on this phenomenon, the researcher wants to know the employee's perception of the tipping culture that occurs in the front office department provided by the guest. Researchers took front office employees at the Novotel Samator Hotel in East Surabaya as research informants. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with interviews as data collection. The sample of this study are 4 employees from the front office and 2 consumer informants who stayed at the Novotel Samator Hotel in East Surabaya. The results showed that there are 2 tip sharing systems namely no sharing of tips (individual) and equal sharing of tips (collective), from these two the conclusion that no sharing of tips (individual) actually causes conflict in its application, so it needs special attention from hotel management. From this study, tips can improve the motivation of employees while working. Tip is an award (personal achievement), voluntary money from guests (guess dicretion), work motivation, additional salary for savings. In this study also found that the tip as an appreciation is the attitude of employees who are polite, friendly, and responsive in handling complaints during their stay at the Novotel Samator Hotel in East Surabaya. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika