Peranan Ratio Keuangan dalam Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan pada PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Beriani, Junita
HF Commerce 
2021-01-05 06:44:37 
Abstract :
Economic development in our country is?nt good because of the crisis, this situationwillgraduallybe overcome. The financial sectoris avery important are a within nenterprise scale small, mediumand large companies. Business development of increasingly advanced, competition between one company with another company that is increasingly tight, not to mention the state of the uncertain economy caused many companies that went bankrupt because it was so that companies can survive or even to grow and develop the company must examine the condition and company performance. Tofind out exactly howthe conditionandperformance ofthe companywould requireproper analysisfor the company tosurvive andthrive. This studyusessecondary data from PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk with years of observation from 2010 to2014.Theresearchanalyzesusingratio analysis of profitability, liquidityandsolvencyratioconsistingofReturn on Investment, AssetTurn OverRatio, Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, and Ratio Payable on Capital. Results ofthe studyin 2011, theReturn on Investmentratioincreasedto29.6% while theratioAsset Turn Overinthe year 2011decreased by2.75%.this is due to the increase insalesinthe company is notcomparable tothe increase inthe assetso that the ratio is Asset Turn Over decreases. In thecurrent ratio and quick ratio of the company has decreased continuouslyfromyear to year, so it canbe concludedthat thecompany's ability torepayshort and long-term liabilities are veryweak. Debtratiooncapitalin 2011is the yearthat experiencedthe highestincrease in the ratiois equal to69.87% from the previous year. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika