Simulasi Model Antrian Optimal Pada Loket Pembayaran Parkir Roda Dua (Studi Kasus SC Plaza Sidoarjo)
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Handranto, Christoper Steven
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:56:49 
Abstract :
SC Plaza has 2 parking counters for two-wheeled vehicles, from the queue data taken in March - April 2018 that the average driver must queue for 16.71 seconds. The purpose of this study is to determine the number of motorcycle parking payment counters that should be owned by SC Plaza Sidoarjo so that they can serve customers optimally and provide an alternative arrangement of the appropriate path to the SC Plaza parking area. In this study a queuing model was used to determine the performance of parking payment counters at SC Plaza Sidoarjo. From the calculation and simulation results, Arena made 2 improvement scenarios, namely the addition of 1 counter and the addition of 2 counters. From 2 scenarios, it was found that the optimal number of counters for motorcycle parking payment counters at SC Plaza Sidoarjo was 3 counters. From the results of the experimental system analysis Arena obtained the level of service and optimal queue performance is found at M = 3 (the number of motorcycle parking payment counters as many as 3 counters) with an average total time spent by visitors in this system shorter by 0.282 minutes compared to window 2 who have an average total time of 10.26 minutes. Based on the server performance value, it can be concluded that the performance value of 3 counters is higher than 4 counters. An alternative arrangement of the appropriate path to the SC Plaza parking area is by separating the exit lane between the two-wheeled vehicles (motorbikes) with 4-wheel vehicles (cars) to avoid inter-state conflicts. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika