Aplikasi E-Commerce Pada Toko Jaya Abadi Berbasis Web Sebagai Sarana Promosi dan Pemasaran
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Gabriella, Katherin
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:56:57 
Abstract :
E-commerce the developments in the IT field that can be used to facilitate the marketing of products to customers. Jaya Abadi Store is one electronics store in the city of Surabaya, East Java, which require a website as a media campaign and ease of transaction for consumers amid global competition. Online shop based on Toko Jaya Abadi website was designed from scratch by using a design that has been provided with the help of builder Wix.dan calculations using Servqual to assess the quality of the web is made. For dimensions responsivness question number 1 and 2 has the highest gap is -1.24 with the question 'input from the consumer visits to measure customer satisfaction' and requests responded within 24 hours'. For the dimension Assurance, question with the highest gap is question number 1 customer service are ready to serve customers with a score of -1.34. For the highest dimension of empathy gap is question number 3 'The information provided in the website is clear to you' with a score of -1.34. For gapnya tangible dimension is very small so do not need no improvement. For dimensions realibility highest gap is question number 2 'load time to open the website is fast' with a score of -1.48. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika