Optimasi Pengendalian Persediaan Multi Item dengan Pendekatan Periodic Review (R,s,S) System Menggunakan Spreadsheet Modeling (Studi Kasus : Perum Bulog Sub Divre Surabaya Utara)
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Putri, Laurensia Dilawati Indrianto
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:57:03 
Abstract :
Perum Bulog North Surabaya Regional Sub Division in carrying out commercial duties faces difficulties because of the varied or probabilistic demand from its consumers which causes high levels of inventory and shortage of inventory stock in some periods. This happened because Perum Bulog North Surabaya Regional Sub Division in determining its inventory without taking into account planning so that it could affect inventory costs. Determining the amount of inventory to anticipate the occurrence of a surge in the number of requests is only determined by estimates. This study aims to control the supply of commercial products Perum Bulog North Surabaya Regional Sub Division to create an optimization model of product inventory control with Periodic Review (R,s,S) System approach that minimizes total inventory cost, and can determine periodic review decision variables (R), minimum inventory (s) and maximum inventory (S) that are optimum both at the Distribution Center level and for each retailer for each type of product using a modeling spreadsheet, and optimization is done with the help of Solver from Microsoft Excel, with 1 (one) Distribution Center, namely Perum Bulog North Surabaya Regional Sub Division 3 (three) retailers and 4 (four) types of products. From the results of optimizing inventory control with the Periodic Review (R,s,S) System approach, it is obtained the optimum periodic review (R)decision variable, minimum inventory (s) and maximum inventory (S) with a total inventory cost savings of 29.9% in Distribution Center, 53% in retail 1, 54% in retail 2 and 46% in retail 3 within one month. And the inventory policy for the Periodic Review (R,s,S) is able to increase the service level by 4.88% at the Distribution Center, 3.5% at retail 1, 2.78% at retail 2, and 5.25% in retail 3. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika