Perancangan Aplikasi Perangkat Lunak Untuk Penentuan Rute dan Penjadwalan Pengiriman Produk Komersial (Studi Kasus : Perum Bulog Sub Divre Surabaya Utara)
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Hermanto, Oky Dwi
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:57:06 
Abstract :
Perum BULOG North Surabaya Regional Sub Division serves 80 point in 3 cities in East Java. In carrying out its commercial duties, Perum BULOG does not yet have a route determination method and delivery schedule that can minimize the total distance and travel time of the vehicle. Commercial product delivery routes are only based on requests that enter first without considering the distance between the points of the customer?s location. This can cause a high distance and travel time of the vehicle in sending orders. This study aims to determine the delivery route, compare the efficiency of the calculation with the existing and design a software application for determining the route and scheduling the delivery of 4 commercial products of Perum Bulog (rice, sugar, cooking oil and wheat flour) with the Clark Wright Saving Heuristic and Nearest Neighbour approaches. From the result of the research conducted, there were 2 routes for each delivery area (Sidoarjo, Surabaya and Gresik) with a total distance of 154,5 km, 126,88 km and 205 km respectively. The resulting route is able to provide mileage savings of 21% in Sidoarjo, 24% in Surabaya and 26% in Gresik. Software applications made with visual basic from Microsoft Excel can produce delivery routes with shorter distances and travel time than existing conditions and are able to display the amount of load that must be carried by each vehicle so that the software application made can be used to facilitate the process of determining the delivery route for commercial products of Perum BULOG North Surabaya Regional Sub Division. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika