Penggunaan Metode Six Sigma Sebagai Langkah Penanganan Defect Unit di PT.XYZ
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Putra, Antonius Andika
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:57:43 
Abstract :
PT. Guentner Indonesia is a manufacturing company that produces air exchanger products such as condensers, evaporators, blast freezers, plug-in refrigeration units, dry coolers, golycol cooler units, and accessories. The results showed, in the 41st week of 2018 to the 17th week of 2019 there were still 774 defects found from 52671 production units that had been produced with a percentage of disability of 1.47%. This has an impact on the value of DPMO (Defects per Million Unit), which is equal to 7347, which refers to the level of Sigma 3.93, which is at the level of the level competitive enough to compete. Based on these data, a holistic improvement plan is carried out to increase the sigma value by defining the problems that occur, then measuring the level of existing problems, then analyzing the problems that occur, and the latter providing preventive steps for improvement. From there it was found that there were two types of defects included in the critical category (critical to quality / CTQ), namely the type of PCT damage and brazing problem. After analyzing the potential causes of the defect, the proposed improvements can also be summarized by analyzing the 5W + 1H table 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika