Optimasi Distribusi Ekspor Gondorukem dan Terpentin Dengan Pendekatan Goal Programming dan Simulasi (Studi Kasus : Perum Perhutani Jawa Timur Divisi Produk Gondorukem dan Terpentin
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Setiawan, Deny Dian
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2020-12-19 12:57:58 
Abstract :
KBM (Independent Joint Activity) IHH (Forest Products Industry) Tandes Surabaya is a Perhutani distributor that receives orders from consumers and delivers goods to consumers. Perum Perhutani products are processed in 3 PGTs namely PGT Rejowinangun, PGT Garahan and PGT Sukun. The problem that occurred at Perum Perhuani was the absence of a safety stock system that caused delays in shipping, eventually this problem caused delays in payments received by Perum Perhutani. The first step is to formulate Goal Progamming model with goal 1, which is minimizing distribution allocation and goal 2 minimizing delivery lead time. Next is the priority weight simulation. From the results of distribution optimization with Goal Progamming, safety stock is calculated. The calculation results of the safety stock every month are 1050.41 tons of products with distribution, Gondorukem X is 241.59 tons, Gondorukem WW is 661.75 tons, and Turpentine is 147.05 tons and the optimal delivery time for each product is the same, namely 19 days. Next will be simulated for several combinations of priority weights between the first and second goals to find more optimal results. Scenario 1 by using 80-20 weight, is the smallest objective value. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika