Analisis Daur Hidup Gula Dengan Pendekatan Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) (Studi Kasus Pada PT.PG Candi Baru, Sidoarjo)
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Asa, Oswaldus
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2022-11-08 11:04:26 
Abstract :
East Java Province is the largest sugar producing region in Indonesian. PT. PG Candi Baru is one of the manufacturing industries that produce sugar. Activities in producing sugar can cause an impact on the environment, the higher the sugar production, the greater the impact produced. An environmental management tool that can calculate the environmental load and its potential impact on the sugar life cycle process is the Life Cycle Assessment method. The research objective was to identify the environmental impacts that occur in sugarcane cultivation, supply sugar cane raw materials, sugar production processes, packaging and product distribution. The Life Cycle Assessment phase consists of Goal and Scope, Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment and Interpretation. The method used in the impact assessment life cycle is Eco-indicator 99. The Eco-indicator 99 produces 11 impact categories, and is grouped into 3 categories of damage. The biggest impact on the environment due to sugar cane cultivation is land use. The biggest impact on the environment due to supply of raw materials for sugar cane, packaging and sugar distribution is damage to natural resources caused by the depletion of fossil fuels. The biggest environmental impact due to the sugar production process is human health. Proposed improvements are to preserve nature by planting trees that can reduce gas from company activities in the factory environment and in the sugar cane cultivation environment. Old truck and engine engines for sugar production can be replaced with new machines in order to reduce electricity and increase productivity. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika