Pengaruh Produk, Harga, Suasana Toko dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Minimarket Handayani Klampis Ngasem di Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Bagus, Magdalena Eufrasia
HB Economic Theory 
2020-12-19 13:05:09 
Abstract :
Nowdays modern retail industry in Indonesia especially in Surabaya experiencing growth from year to year, one of which is Minimarket Handayani located in Klampis Ngasem Surabaya. The increasing number of retail industry, there will be a competition so that the retail industry need a marketing strategy. Marketing Strategies used by retail industry in a competition is retail mix. Retail mix consist of product, price, store atmosphere and service quality.the purpose of this study was to determine the product, price, store atmosphere and service quality influence on purchasing decisions in Minimarket Handayani Klampis Ngasem in Surabaya. The study used four (4) independent variables (X) is the product (X1), price (X2), store atmosphere (X3) and service quality (X4) with the dependent variables is the purchasing decision. Population in this study are all consumers who have been shopping at Minimarket Handayani Klampis Ngasem Surabaya, with a sample of 100 respondents. Analysis of data using validity test, reliability test, assumptions classic test, multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient determination test (R2 ), and t test. Based on the test result obtained multiple linear regression analysis modeling is Y = 9,664 - 0,047 X1 + 0,177 X2 + 0,178 X3 + 0,097 X4. Coefficient determination (R2) of 0,118 (12%). Based on the result of t test product (X1) obtained result with tcount = -554 > -ttable = -1,985 and significance of = 0, 588 > 0,025, price (X2) with tcount = 1,894 < ttable = 1,985 and significance of = 0,068 > 0,025, store atmosphere (X3) with tcount = 2,353 > ttable = 1,985 and significance of = 0,021 < 0,025 and service quality (X4) with tcount = 871 < ttable = 1,985 and significance of = 0, 386 > 0,025. Based on the result of the above it can be concluded that the product (X1), price (X2) and service quality (X4) is not effect on purchasing decision (Y). From four (4) independent variables which give influence on purchasing decision just store atmosphere (X3). 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika