Analisa Sistem Dan Prosedur Kas Sebagai Alat Untuk Meningkatkan Pengendalian Internal Pada Perum Bulog Sub Divisi Regional I Di Surabaya
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Sari, Dewi Astriya
HF5601 Accounting 
2021-01-05 05:36:03 
Abstract :
Analysis of the systemand procedure ofcash as a tool to increase internal control on Perum Bulog sub division I in Surabaya?. Researchers purpose of this is to know the Application of System and procedureCash Receipts and Expendi tures to Improve Internal Control Systems in Bulog Sub Regional Division I in Surabaya has been implemented effectively . The method used is descriptive qualitative method of data processing techniques obtained by using sentences that serve as explanatory and analyzing Systemand Procedure at Bulog Sub Regional Division I in Surabaya. Analysis results showed that the System and ProcedureRevenues and Expenditures Cash used in Bulog Sub Regional Division I in Surabaya is still not in accordance with the company so that researchers make a flowchart of accounting information systems in accordance with current standards and lack of supervision in the accounting records so the possibility of misuse of cash may occur if left for a long time. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika