Proses Penilaian Pemberian Kredit Pada Credit Union Tirtadana
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Jelunut, Dervina
HF5601 Accounting 
2024-04-16 09:14:24 
Abstract :
Financial institution functions as an intermediary or intermediary that offers a variety of service facilities based on trust. As a financial institution that functions to save funds from members in the form of deposits and distribute funds in the form of loans and other services, CU Tirtadana provides facilities in providing credit services. The community in general still feels difficulties and considers it too difficult with the conditions set by CU Tirtadana in the process of giving credit. In addition, because because of the many requests for credit from members, the problem of bad loans also occurs a lot. The above problems can be solved by this research, namely by how the process of granting credit to members who apply for loans, what are the causes of bad credit. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the process of granting credit to Tirtadana CU, the method of collecting data in this final assignment uses the method of observation, interviews, and documentation methods. While the analysis of the data used is a qualitative descriptive analysis, the location of the study is in the Tirtadana CU, the object of study in this study is how the credit granting process is assessed, the results of the study show that the process of granting credit to the Tirtadana Periose January to December 2019 is not optimal because still experiencing bad credit. Therefore, to reduce the problem of bad loans requires a more stringent assessment. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika