Analisis Beban Kerja Karyawan produksi di UD. Murni Jaya Menggunakan Metode Nasa-TLX dan Work Sampling
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika
Gonzalves, Fransisco
HD28 Management. Industrial Management 
2022-01-21 02:42:46 
Abstract :
UD Murni Jaya is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of concrete buis. This study aims to analyze the workload of production employees at UD Murni Jaya and determine the optimal number of employees to complete their work. This study uses a method of measuring physical workload (work sampling) and mental workload NASA - Task Load Index (NASA-TLX). According to the calculation of the standard time as seen from the physical workload of production employees amounting to 105.28 minutes or 1.75 hours. From the work sampling analysis, the average standard time used to complete the production activities of 1 concrete bus/employee is 105.28 minutes or 1.75 hours so that the standard time is still considered normal. The calculation results of NASA-TLX show that the mental workload of employee 1 is 84.7%, employee 2 is 83.3%, employee 3 is 84.7% and employee 4 is 82.7. From the analysis, the Nasa-TLX 4 employee score is 83.83%. Proposed improvements to optimize the workload of 4 production employees, namely adding 1 employee to 5 employees with an average workload of 67.08% so that the workload of employees is still in the medium category. The calculation of the correlation coefficient is used to determine therelationship between standard time and mental load which is expressed by the variables x and y, which is equal to 1.112, it is stated that the perfect correlation. 
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Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika