Correlation between Students’ Learning Styles and Their Reading Comprehension Skill at Eleventh Grade of MAN Bintan
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Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
Vialisah, Vialisah
Gatot, Subroto
Nana Raihana, Askurny
371.102 Teaching/Pendidikan, Pengajaran 
2021-07-26 04:44:26 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to know whether there was correlation between students? learning styles and reading comprehension. The method used of this research was quantitaive method. The population in this research were all the students of class XI of MAN Bintan in the academic year 2020/2021 which consisted of 39 students and the sample of the research was 20 students from class XI IPA by using purposive sampling technique. The data collected through learning style? questionnaire and essay test. The questionnare was used to know about what the learning style they have and essay test used to know the score of students? reading comprehension. In analyzing the data, the research used Pearson Product Moment formula to find out correlation coefficient. Significance of the correlated is used by r-value and r-table. r- value was compared to r-table. If r value was higher than r- table, there was a significant correlation. Based on the research, It was found that r value of visual learning was 0.99, for auditory learning styles also 0.99., while r- value for kinesthetic learning styles was 0.99. The value of r-table was 0.468. Based on the result of the research, It fo und that there was a significant correlation of visual learning styles toward reading comprehension and there was significant correlation betweeen auditory learning styles and reading comprehension and also there was significant correlation between kinesthetic learning styles and reading comprehension. 
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Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji