Abstract :
Employees? performance is work achieved by an individual or a group of
people according to their authority and responsibility in a certain period of time.
Some factors which influence it are motivation, an activity support which leads to
a goal, competence, a person?s basic characteristics which enable him to yield
superior result of his work, and incentive, motivation facility which encourages
employees to work optimally as an extra income outside their salary.
The research used quantitative associative survey method which was
aimed to find out the influence of the variables of motivation (X1), competence
(X2), and incentive (X3) on employees? performance (Y). The population was 37
employees at PT. Suanjur Resort, and all of them were used as the samples (total
sampling). The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed by using
multiple linear regression analysis.
The result of the research showed that motivation, competence, and
incentive simultaneously and partially had significant influence on employees?
performance. It is recommended that the management of PT. Suanjur Resortpay
attention to some aspects which can increase employees? performance such as
giving incentives regularly and provide justice for them so that they do not feel
that there is discrimination in giving incentives. The employees should increase
their performance according to motivation, competence, and incentive they
received by increasing self-competence without waiting for recommendation from
the management so that personal performance can be increased.