Analisis Kinerja Reksadana Syariah dan Reksadana Konvensional Berdasarkan Tingkat Return dan Resiko
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Indika, Annahl
Mutual Fund 
2018-12-28 02:53:26 
Abstract :
This study is to find out how the comparison of return of sharia mutual funds and conventional funds according to the method of annual return and how the comparison of performance of Shariah mutual funds and conventional funds according to Risk Adjusted Return method which includes index of Sharpe, Treynor, and Jensen. The study was conducted on Shariah Mutual Funds and Conventional Mutual Funds in Indonesia. This research uses quantitative analysis of mutual fund price, JII, LQ45, and IHSG. The sample in this research are four conventional mutual funds namely Pratama Equity, Grow Prosper, Pratama Saham, and Panin Dana Prima, while sharia mutual fund is represented by Cipta Syariah Equity, Schroder Syariah, Mandiri Investa Dana Syariah and PNM Amanah Syariah. The research period used is from January 2012 - December 2016. The results show that mutual fund products in Indonesia still have a high enough risk when compared with the possibility of profit will be obtained. Conventional mutual funds generally can be said to have a higher rate of return compared with shariah mutual funds. However, high returns are also accompanied by high risk of conventional mutual funds. This can be seen from the small and even negative index values. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara