Abstract :
Flood was a condition of the water that could not be accommodated in the exhaust
duct or the obstruction of water flow in the exhaust duct. The high rainfall that accompanied
by alteration of land-using system could increase the runoff water surface that flowed
quickly and caused flooding.
Deli Watershed was one of DAS that was important in Medan. Deli river stretched 73.2 km
with the DAS scope of 472.96 km2 started from regencies of Karo to the city of Medan.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the bin of volume pools retention due to the return
of debit flood of DAS Deli with the debit capacity of the cross section of the river. The
methodology used in this study was the method of Synthesis Unit hydrograph Nakayasu and
Melchior method for determining the debit flood by using the data analysis of the probability
distribution and intensity of rainfall plans, also the Muskingum method for the analysis
capacity of the pools retention.
Based on the calculations by using the method of debit flood HSS Nakayasu obtained at
276.86 m3/sec and methods Melchior at 307.91 m3/sec for a return period of 25 years, the
capacity of the river of 168 m3/sec, and the volume capacity of pools retention with
Muskingum method of 855.310,8 m3. By the planning catchment pools without the pump and
the depth of the pool was planned depth of 3 m, the extent needed an area of 285,103.6 m2 or
about 28.6 ha. While the floodgate that needed were four doors with the width of each door at
2.76 m and the height at 2m.