Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kuning Telur dan Krimer Nabati terhadap Mutu Tepung Puding Instan
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Marbun, Putry Permatasari
Egg Yolk Flour 
2018-12-28 04:23:52 
Abstract :
The purpose of the study were to determine the manufacture of egg yolk flour on a laboratory scale, to determine the effect of the addition of egg yolk flour and non dairy creamer, and interaction of egg yolk flour and non dairy creamer on instant pudding flour. This research used completely randomized design with two factors i.e. the addition of egg yolk flour (K) : (0%, 10%, 20%) and addition of creamer (S) : (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). The parameters analyzed were moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, hedonic value of colour, aroma, flavor, and texture, overall acceptability, and gel strength was tested on the best treatment The results showed that the addition of egg yolk flour gave highly significant effect on the moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, hedonic value of color of instant pudding flour, color of pudding, texture of pudding, and sineresis. The addition of non dairy creamer gave highly significant effect on the moisture content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, color of instant pudding flour, color of pudding, flavor of pudding, texture of pudding, and sineresis. Interaction of the two factors had highly significant effect on fat content, carbohydrate content, color of instant pudding flour, color of pudding, texture of pudding, and sineresis. The addition of egg yolk flour of 20% and the addition of non dairy creamer of 75% was the best and acceptable treatment. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara