Universitas Sumatera Utara
Razali, Muhammad (STUDENT ID : 087021009)
(LECTURER ID : 0017086108)
Stochastic prograrnming
2022-12-09 07:44:55
Abstract :
Stochastic programming deal with optimization problems where some of its para-
meters is described by uncertainty in variables. The uncertainty means when the
value of the parameters involved in objective and constraints function cannot be
determined exactly and those random parameters value is replaced by random vari-
ables with known probabilities distribution value. The main factors of uncertainty
arises within the variables are due to natural characteristic of the variables and
type of the problems. This thesis discussed about the model of multistage stochastic
programming with mized probabilities where chance-constrained optimization also
play an important role in discussion. Results show that the solution of stochastic
optimization problems can be obtained by converting it into equivalent determinis-
tic model