Analisis & Perbandingan Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Ipv6 dengan Global Unicast Address Ipv4 terhadap Efisiensi Rute Aggregasi Border Gateway Protokol
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Sihombing, Anggiat Horas (STUDENT ID : 041401072)
(LECTURER ID : 0014126302)
(LECTURER ID : 0023078303)
2022-12-14 04:27:35 
Abstract :
Communication that occurs in the internet is a communication between an IPaddress with another IP that is unique. Since the beginning of the creation ofcomputer networks and the Internet until now, the IP address used is IPv4. Growing needs of IPv4 addresses to internet almost reached the end of the ability to allocate IPv4 IP address so that IPv6 was created as a replacement for IPv4. In the implementation of IPv6 on the internet in the communication between the Autonomous System (AS) is not yet fully able to replace IPv4 as the Internet address of the network infrastructure builders, such as the application of The mechanism of Route Aggregation. This is due to some constraints in terms of both software and hardware. Keyword : IPv4, IPv6, BGP, Autonomous System, Route Aggregation At this final analyzes will be performed between the second internet protocol IPv4 and IPv6 in use for route aggregation then compared in order to obtain a more efficient route aggregation. The data were analyzed IPv4 and IPv6 IP prefix is a route Telkom Net-AS2-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia and route IP Prefix PTDelta Telecom Indonesia is obtained from the CIDR-Report. Routing protocol used is BGP is the de facto as an external routing protocol. Data will be entered on GNS3 simulator and then will do the configuration of the IP address prefix to the routers after it inserts the mechanism of aggregation. The results of the routes that are advertised in the router's routing table late into less. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara