Universitas Sumatera Utara
Seftiani, Adinda Reny (STUDENT ID : 071402043)
(LECTURER ID : 0010037104)
(LECTURER ID : 0031087905)
2022-12-14 06:39:26
Abstract :
Compression method is a process to reduces data size in order to produces compressed
digital representation that still represent its quality of information. With the high
resolution does not guarantee high quality, even a large storage area is needed. In this
method does not lose any information. In this study we analyze the result of visual
quality image compression by using Run Length Encoding (RLE) where the use of
subjective criteria analysis parameters and objective criteria. Once implemented and
analyzed, based on subjective criteria the result of comparison .BMP and .RLE image
files no change in the quality of image formats. While based on objective criteria
through a mathematical approach that the MD5SUM field produces no difference
values at baseline and after RLE compression process and there is no difference (NO
DIFF) between the intial file and the file after compression. In RLE analysis of based
on comparative analysis parameters obtained for the conclusion that the color white,
gray and black has a compression ratio of 1.17 % because it has the same degree of
gray. While the colors red, green and blue have a ratio of 100 % which means can not
be compressed. For the ratio of Peak-Signal-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) can not be defined,
because the value of its MSE is 0 due to the quality of the image unchanged.