Universitas Sumatera Utara
Nababan, Alexandro (STUDENT ID : 071401050)
(LECTURER ID : 0027017403)
(LECTURER ID : 0023078303)
2022-12-14 06:46:39
Abstract :
Watermarking is a way of hiding a secret message by inserted into a media / file,
which is intended to protect a copyrighted work against misuse or illegal use
(piracy). The development of watermarking has been very rapid, marked by a
variety of watermarking methods, one method of Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) which is the development of wavelet series. In this method, the audio files
will be digitized first and sampling will be conducted on an audio file and then
undergo a process of decomposition for each matrix with Haar filters after
conversion into hexadecimal form, and then through the process of reconstruction
to filter low pass filter and high pass filters. Until finally the insertion of a
message. After in-watermarking audio files will be a variety of testing, one of
them by testing the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) to see how big the influence of
noise on the final file was watermarking. Also conducted tests to determine the
level of the respondents imperceptibility by means of human senses to various
audio files that were watermarking..