Universitas Sumatera Utara
Putra, Yogi Aditia (STUDENT ID : 071401083)
(LECTURER ID : 0023078303)
(LECTURER ID : 0121106902)
2022-12-15 03:24:44
Abstract :
Presently, computer Data had being an important thing on human life. Before, all of
information was put on a paper, in recording, and or other device whereas now we
only need the computer to produce unlimited information on a digital data. Data
security is not the main attention today. The digital data that people can access easily
are proportional with Cyber Crime increase such as Piracy, data manipulation, and
speculation happening today. Cryptography Technic is one of the best choice to
improve data security. Cryptography is data manipulation technic so peoples can only
see the data in the form of unknown codes. RSA algorithm is one of the asymmetric
key algorithm, so the key used in ecnryption is different with key used for Decryption.
Realibility parameters of this cryptography algorithm is the prime values used so the
large the keys is more difficult to solve. Key Generation process is also part of
algorithm used. This research uses Monte Carlo Algorithm for Random Numbers
Generation, and Miller Rabin Algorithm as Primality Test Algorithm of the numbers.
Combining these algorithms in Keys Generation surely improve the Large Prime
Number Generation Success rate thus improving data security. The algorithm is
applied to files with different formats and sizes. The result of encryption from this
application maybe restored to its original form by using the decryption process with
successful recovery percentage of 100 percent.