Universitas Sumatera Utara
Bakri, Adhhal Huda (STUDENT ID : 061401067)
(LECTURER ID : 0011065803)
(LECTURER ID : 0023078303)
2022-12-15 03:29:35
Abstract :
Congklak game is one of the traditional game which is originated from Indonesia. The
game is played by two players using a congklak?s board and congklak?s seeds,
amounting to 14 x 7 pieces. In this game, an intelligent agent is applied as one of the
players. Intelligent agent is something that can observe and experience their
environment via sensors and provides action to the environment via actuators.
Intelligent agent will be one of the players with Backtraking Algorithm. Backtracking
algorithm is a refinement of brute-force algorithm that do not search all possible
solutions but the only search that leads to the solution are considered. Through the
discussion in this paper, backtracking algorithm is used to select the optimal step to be
taken by agent from the holes in the arena of agents to collect as many seeds into the
barn. In this paper, the game is developed by using Delphi 7.0. Through testing the
questionnaire, the reliability of intelligent agents is quite reliable with victory
percentage with the first is player?s turn by 75% and the first is agent?s turn by 100%.