Estimasi Pendapatan dan Resiko Usahatani Cabai Merah (Capsicum annum L.) (Kasus : Desa Parbuluan I, Kecamatan Parbuluan, Kabupaten Dairi)
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Sinaga, Dorma H
Revenue Estimation 
2018-12-14 03:49:08 
Abstract :
The objectives of the study were to describe the development of red chili production, the amount of red chili farmer income, analyze the influence of the characteristics (age, education level, length of farming, the number of dependents of family and land area) to the income of red chili farmers, to know the risk of red chili farming and to estimate the income of farming red chili in the study area. The method of research is accidental sampling method for sample determination. The analysis method used is descriptive method, farming analysis method, multiple linear regression data analysis method, production risk method, price risk, income risk and income estimation method. The results showed that the development of red chili production in Kecamatan Parbuluan for 5 years increased and the income of red chili farmers in Desa Parbuluan I was Rp 816.775,13 / month per farmer is smaller than the MSE of Kabupaten Dairi. Partially variable of land area have real effect to income while age variable, education level, length of farming and amount of family dependent have no significant effect to income. Red pepper farming has an income risk with a KV value of 0.20, production risk with a KV value of 0.14 and an income risk with a KV value of 0.04. The estimated income of red chili farmers in Desa Parbuluan 1 in 2020 is Rp 63,195,128 per Ha per planting season, if the price condition and production amount remain as 3 years earlier. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara