Pengaruh Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan dan Karakteristik Individu terhadap Keberhasilan Cafe dan Coffee Shop di Kecamatan Medan Sunggal
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Pasaribu, Putra Ahmad Syarif Irawan
Knowledge of Entrepreneurship 
2018-12-17 02:37:38 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine and analyze whether the entrepreneurial knowledge and individual characteristics partially and simultaneously affect the success of Cafe And Coffee Shop in Medan Sunggal District. The variables of this research consist of business success variable (Y) as dependent variable, and entrepreneurship knowledge variable (X1) and individual characteristic variable (X2) as independent variable. Data analysis technique used is quantitative method with the help of program SPSS version 16.0. This study uses Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The population in this research is all business actor of Cafe And Coffee Shop in Sub District of Medan Sunggal, and sampling is based on saturated sample that is 37 business actor Cafe And Coffee Shop in Medan Sunggal Subdistrict. Primary data collection using questionnaires. The results showed that entrepreneurial knowledge and individual characteristics partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the success of Cafe And Coffee Shop in Medan Sunggal Sub. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara