Kinerja Grafit/N-Grafena dan Grafena/N-Grafena sebagai Katoda Sel Baterai Primer
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Ratih, Dewi
2018-12-18 01:31:47 
Abstract :
Research about the performance of Graphite/N-Graphene and Graphene/NGraphene as a cathode of primary battery cell was carried out. The purpose of this research is to know the performance of Graphite/N-Graphene and Graphene/NGraphene as a cathode of primary battery cell. This research used Hummers, dopan nitrogen and impregnation methods to synthesis Graphene, N-Graphene and generating of Graphite/N-Graphene and Graphene/N-Graphene, respectively. The XRD data show that there is a shifting in position of the diffraction peaks (Graphene at 2? = 26,52º and N-Graphene at 2? = 26,16º), meaning there are interactions of nitrogen and carbon atoms. The presence of N atoms on N-Graphene is also confirmed by EDX data, there is 2,72 % atoms, and peak at wave number 1396 cm-1 (FTIR data) shows the interaction between C and N. The conductivity data showed that graphene (858,21 ?S/cm), N-Graphene (1157,32 ?S/cm), Graphite/N-Graphene (1:2) (350,2 0?S/cm) and Graphene/N-Graphene (1:2) (969,33 ?S/cm) are higher than the cathode?s primary battery (80,98 ?S/cm). All data prove that N-Graphene, Graphite/N-Graphene and Graphene/N-Graphene have better performance than the cathode?s primary battery. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara