Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kejadian Hipertensi pada Lansia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Padang Bulan Medan Tahun 2017
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Situngkir, Santa Ulina Apriani
2018-12-18 02:07:55 
Abstract :
Hypertension is also globally called the silent killer. There is the increase in the prevalence of hypertension throughout the world from 972 million people or 26.4% to 29.2% in 2025. Its prevalence in Medan ranks the third in all ages with the mortality of 6.8%, consisted of 26.3% in males and 32.6% in females. Based on age, it is found that its prevalence is 45.9% in the age of 55-64 years, 57.6%in the age of 65-74 years, and63.8% in the age of >75 years. The objective of the research was to find out some factor which influence the incidence of hypertension in the elderly in the working area of Health Centre, Medan, in 2017. The research used observational analytic method with case-control design. The population was all elderly people who visited Health Centre, Medan, in 2016 with 62 of them suffered from hypertension and the other62 respondents in the control group did not (the ratio of 1:1). The samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The data were analysis by using bivariate analysis with simple logistic regression test and multivariate analysis with multivariate logistic regression analysis. The result of them research showed that there was significant influence of history of family (OR = 5.742; 95% CI = 2.449-13.463), physical activity (OR = 2.566; 95% CI = 1.067-6.174), and obesity (OR = 2.486; 95% CI = 1.051-5.879). It is recommended that the health care providers increase health promotion and information expansion about the prevention from hypertension and the risk factors. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara