Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Kontrasepsi MOP (Metode Operasi Pria) di Kecamatan Siantar Marihat Kota Pematangsiantar Tahun 2018
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Sihombing, Rosnella
2018-12-18 02:13:12 
Abstract :
MOP (Male Operation Method) or what is known as Vasectomy is one of the long term contraception methods. It is an alternative KB (Family Planning) contraception method for men who decide to not having children anymore by having minor surgery. That men have less participation in KB is influenced by many factors. One of the factors is the lack of information received by society about Contraception of MOP. KB Program encouraged by the government has become very essential in population control. Indonesian Health Profile Data demonstrates that 8,283,186 (17.06%) out of 48,536,690 PUS (Productive Aged-Couple) in 2016 were members of MKJP (Long Term Contracetion Method); and only 0.25% of them used contraception of MOP. Based on the data, contraception of MOP is the least used contraception method. This is an analytical survey research with Cross Sectional design which was done in Siantar Marihat Subdistrict, Pematangsiantar. The population was all men in PUS who were KB users, namely 247 men in which 94 of them were taken as the sample by employing proportional random sampling test. The data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed by applying Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression tests for multivariate analysis. The results of the research demonstrated that there was a correlation between income and contraception use of MOP with p=0.017; knowledge and contraception with p=0.007; role of health personnel and income and contraception with p=0.019; and wife?s support and contraception with p=0.029. The variable with the most dominant influence wa knowledge. It is expected of that the population control and family planning agency make policy or program to improve the using of KB in the Siantar Marihat Subdistrict, Pematangsiantar, especially in using contraception of MOP (Male Operation Method), so that it can improve the life degree of the society. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara