Pengaruh Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan dan Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat di Rumah Sakit PT. Arun LNG Lhokseumawe
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Leadership Role 
2018-12-18 02:27:30 
Abstract :
Nurses? performance is an important issue in hospital organization to increase efficiency of health service. The result of nurse committee reported that document completion of nursing service only reaches up to 39.7% (14,182 documents) of 35,723 documents in total. This low percentage is an indication of nurses? performance which is suspected to be resulted from leadership role and compensation. The objective of the research was to discover and analyze the influence of ward head?s leadership role (direction, suggestion, motivation, guidance) and compensation (allowance, incentive and salary) on the nurses? performance in PT. Arun LNG Hospital, Lhokseumawe. This research employed survey method with explanatory approach. The population was 74 nurses and all of them were taken as the samples (total population). The data were collected through interview with questionnaires and direct observation. The data analysis was performed by using Chi-Square and Multiple Linear Regression test with Software of SPSS 22. The results of the research demonstrated that 28.9% of the nurses had and 70.3% of them had poor deficient performance. The results of chi-square test showed p<0.05 for variable of leadership role i.e. direction p (0.031-0.05), suggestion p (0.000-0.05), motivation p(0.000-,0.05), guidance p (0.001-0.05) and variable of compensation i.e. allowance p (0.000<0.05), incentive p (0.000-0.05, salary p (0.034-0.05).The results of multiple linear regression test showed that the variable with the most dominant influence on the nurses? performance was motivation with Exp (B) 0,294, indicating that the nurses had good performance will have 0,294 times bigger probabilities to perform well. It is concluded that leadership role and compensation are correlated with nurses? performance and the variable with the most dominant influence was motivation. It is suggested that hospital management and director pay special attention to the nurses? performance such as direction, suggestion and guidance; also, improve the motivation to the nurses. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara