Determinan Konsumsi Sayur dan Buah dan Hubungannya dengan Asupan Zat Gizi Mikro pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar SDN 191 Kecamatan Kotanopan Tahun 2018
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Maisyaroh, Yusnina
Determinant Consumption of Vegetables and Fruits 
2018-12-18 03:06:34 
Abstract :
Risk factor of the disease is not contagious in Indonesia one is less vegetable and fruit consumption by as much as 93.5% (Riskesdas, 2013). Indonesia has various vegetable and fruit worth local nutrition is good for health, but in reality, society Indonesia belongs to the minimal consume vegetables and fruits. SDN 191 which is located in Sub-district Kotanopan, is a school that has students will lower vegetable and fruit consumption. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship of direct and indirect determinants of consumption of vegetables and fruit with micro-nutrients intake through the vegetable and fruit consumption in elementary school students in Kotanopan Subdistrict 191 SDN in 2018. This type of research is observational analytical study designs with pieces of latitude (cross sectional). Methods of data analysis used in this study is the analysis of the path (path analysis). Sample in this study as many as 93 students. Research carried out in 191 SDN Subdistrict Kotanopan, Mandailing Natal Regency with time research March 2018 until April 2018. The results showed on the hypothesis test results obtained that the determinant of vegetable and fruit consumption, namely nutrition knowledge of mothers, the mother's nutrition knowledge and attitude of students do not have direct and indirect relationship significantly with micro-nutrients intake. Determinants of consumption of vegetables and fruit that have a significant direct relationship with micro-nutrients intake of students is the habit of the mother with the intake of iron (tcount = 1,93) with contributions amounting to 23%. However, habits of the mother not significant indirect relationship with micro-nutrients intake of students. Advice of researchers in this study is for local food security agency providing food aid, namely vegetable and fruit seeds to the public and so that researchers can then analyze the determinants of vegetable and fruit consumption such as the availability of vegetables and fruit, the preference of the student, and culture for see the determinants which have a direct relationship with the vegetable and fruit consumption by students. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara