Pengaruh Perbaikan Posisi Berdiri terhadap Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) pada Pramuniaga Departement Store Kota Rantauprapat Tahun 2018
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Nadrah, Nailatun
Musculoskeletal Disorders 
2018-12-18 03:14:58 
Abstract :
Musculoskeletal complaints were frequently found in salesclerks who perform odd standing posturewhen working. Standing posture correction can reduce the risk of Musculoskeletal complaints resulted from work. The objective of the research was to analyze the influence of standing posture correction on Musculoskeletal Disorders complaints in salesclerks. This is a Quasi Experiment research with one only pre-test post-test design. The population was all salesclerks of a Department Store and 30 of them were taken as the sample by purposive sampling technique. The data were scores of Musculoskeletal Disorders complaints measured by Nordic Body Map (NBM), before and after repairing standing position. The paired t-test was used for statistical test and Wilcoxon was used to analyze the difference in complaints between pre and post correction. The results of the research demonstrated that Musculoskeletal Disorders complaints reduced after the intervention of standing posture correction on Day 1, namely from 67.43 to 54.43 by wilcoxontest which showed that there was differences in MusculoskeletalDisorders complaints between pre and post intervention (? = 0.001). In day 2 decreased average from 64.1 to 53.63 with T-Paired test showed (? = 0.001) there was a difference between Musculoskeletal complaints before and after intervention. The average of the reduction on Day 3 was from 61.83 to 51.73 by wilcoxon test which showed (? = 0.001) that there was a difference between Musculoskeletal complaints before and after the intervention of standing position improvement. It is concluded that there standing posture correction has some influence on Musculoskeletal Disorders. It is suggested that salesclerks maintain natural standing posture with both feet open shoulder width apart during work and stretching during rest. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara