Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Perisai Radiasi Sinar-X Berbasis Polyester Timbal Asetat Sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Pengganti Kaca Timbal
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Polyester resin 
2018-12-18 04:38:39 
Abstract :
In this thesis, a study about the effect of polyester resin as matrix and lead acetate as filler on the manufacture of X-ray radiation shields and how the physical and mechanical properties and thermal properties are discussed. The type of material used to speed up the curing time is the mekpo catalyst. Lead acetate varied (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) wt% with a thickness variation of 0.5cm, 0.75cm, 1.0cm, 1.25cm and 1.50cm. The results showed that the physical properties (density 1.9 gr / cm3) on the composition of 10% wt lead acetate and 85% wt polyester resin with a thickness of 1.5 cm were the best results. The higher the composition of lead acetate, the higher the density value. The best radiation intensity results from Xray radiation shield samples showed the composition of 10% wt Pb and 85% wt polyester resin (0.18?Gy, 0.95?Gy and 1.6?Gy) with X-ray voltage conditions (40kV, 50kV and 60kV), the value of light transmission in this composition is 83% still in accordance with ISO standards on lead glass. The results of mechanical properties testing (press test 79 kg/cm3 and hardness test 38) is the best value on the composition of 85: 10: 5% wt with 1.5cm thickness. This shows that the composition of 85: 10: 5% wt is the most homogeneous composition resulting in optimum mechanical properties. The results of the DSC test showed that the endothermic temperature was 85: 10: 5% wt with 1.5cm thick was the best with a temperature of 3770C. From all radiation shield sample testing, composition 85: 10: 5% wt the best physical properties and mechanical properties in accordance with ISO standards and SNI-16-6656-2002 concerning lead glass. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara