The Analysis of Women Body Language and the Metafunction: a Multimodal Perspective
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Satra, Yenny Obsi
Body Language 
2018-12-19 01:36:46 
Abstract :
This research entitles The Analysis of Women Body Language and The Metafunction: A Multimodal Perspective. It applied a multimodal analysis of the interviews video of six great women from Asia, Europe Africa, and America in order to find out the realizations and the visual metafunctions, as well as the differences of body languages of the six great women. The writer used the theory from Miles and Hubberman (1994) as the research methodology, which were designed as a data-based, observational-based, and qualitative descriptive type of research. This research was conducted by the theory of body language from Pease (1995) and the theory of visual metafunction (representation, interaction, and composition) from Joyce and Gaudin (2007). The data sources of this research were the visual texts taken from the interview videos of the six great women which limited the research of body language on facial expressions and hand gestures. The facial expressions found in the data were happy (smile), sad, polite, full of hope and believe, calm, confident and relax in which the smiling expression appeared frequently. The smiling expression, which meant genuine happiness, was realized by the smile on the lips with a wide open mouth and showing some teeth, the movement from muscle that orbits the eye, some wrinkles in the corner of the eyes, the closing eyes, and the pushed up cheeks. While the smiling expression, which meant fake happiness, was realized by the little smile on the lips, but there are no meaningful movements from the muscle, the cheeks were not pushed up and there were no wrinkles in the corner of the eyes. The clenching hands-gesture was realized by clenching one hand together with another one on the desk or in front of the chest. The Partial arms-cross barrier was realized by holding hands together on hips. HC, who was from United States of America, smiles more often than other five women (55% GS and 30% FS) and it represented the American people who like to smile very often and were not the serious ones. The representational, interactional and compositional metafunction findings in the data created meanings through the choice of the elements such as processes, participants, circumstances, contact (demand and offer), social distance, modality (color saturation and brightness) and information value. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara