A Conversational Analysis on the Interview Between Oprah Winfrey and Mark Zuckerberg
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Sipahutar, Afrida Fitriyani
Conversation Analysis 
2018-12-19 01:41:15 
Abstract :
The title of research isConversation Analysis of Interview between presenterOprah Winfrey and facebook founder Mark Zukerberg. The objective is to find out the type of conversation aspects found in the conversation. The study focuses on 4 aspects of conversation those are adjacency pairs, topic management, preference organization and turn ? taking.The main data source of the research is a script of interview between presenter Oprah Winfrey and facebook founder Mark Zukerberg. The data source were video and script which took place in a studio on September 24, 2010 and the duration was 8:02 minute. This video is downloaded from The data source is transcribed into the data namely 18 utterances. Then which are then analyzed based on theory by Paltridge (2000) about conversation analysis.From the analysis, it is found out that there are 8 adjacency pairs that consisted of one pair of question ? answer, 2 pairs of assessment ? agreement, 2 opinions providecomment, and 3 opinions provide ? clarification. 3 topics were found in the conversation, all topics are initiated by the Oprah Winfrey and Mark Zuckerberg only follows them. The elaboration of Conversation Analysis on the interview by giving question ? answer, giving assessment ? agreement, giving opinion provide ? comment and giving opinion provide ? clarification. Besides the adjacency pairs, there are 8 preference organizations in the data. The researcher wanted to describe the types of preference organization into two parts: those are preferred response and dispreferred response. The finding is 8 preferred responses and there was no dispreferred response founded in the data. Preference organization was founded in the data and consists of: Question - Answer 1 pair, Assessment - Agreement 2, Opinion Provide ? Comment 2, Opinion Provide ? Clarification 3 pairs. Eighteen turns were taken by speakers in the conversation, and each speaker took 9 turns. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara