Forensic Stylistic Analysis on English and Indonesian Songs
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Ilza, Shena Samira
Forensic Stylistics 
2018-12-19 01:52:25 
Abstract :
This thesis entitled ?Forensic Stylistic Analysis on English and Indonesian Songs? which contained the plagiarism detection. The objectives of the study are two folds; to find out the linguistic features used in the English and Indonesian songs indicate the existence of plagiarism; and to indicate the extent of plagiarism found in English and Indonesian songs in order to obtained the known author. The method used in this study is document analysis research design or qualitative descriptive method. Data of this study were collected from 4 English and 4 Indonesian songs from the released years between 2005 ? 2011. The results of this study were found two linguistic features in English and Indonesian song that indicate the existence of plagiarism, they were; sound patterns in prosodic features and lexicogrammar in the choice of wordings. Sound patterns analysis by using ?Praat? showed that the higher level of pitch was referred to the result of known authorship of the song. The lexicogrammar analysis by using selection of tenses and processes showed that songs which have the most similarities in choice of wordings was detected as plagiarism. Based on the analysis on 8 of English and Indonesian songs, was found that one song; Y1 was in Band 7 on Criteria for Conclusion on Authorship Questions which showed some significant similarities in the range of variation on the choice of wordings and pitch intensity. It was found that Y1 indicated the existence of plagiarism on X1. 

Institution Info

Universitas Sumatera Utara