Speech and Thought Presentation in Jane Austen’s Emma: the Case of Free Indirect Discourse
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Panjaitan, Lilis
Free Indirect Discourse 
2018-12-19 01:56:00 
Abstract :
This study entitled ?Speech and thought presentation in Jane Austen?s: the case of free indirect discourse?. The aim of this study is to anayzed modes of speech and thought presentation are used in the novel, with a particular interest in Free Indirect Discourse. The study is also to outline the modes that determine Jane Austen?s choice of this particular mode of speecch and thought presentation. The data of this study was taken from Jane Austen?s novel titled Emma, the reseacher took the proper sentences that contained free indirect discourse modes. This study analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The result of this study found the categories of speech and thought presentation in the novel; Direct Discourse when the scene is taken directly from the character then the narrator did not take any control in the scene, Indirect discourse when the the narrator spoke through the idea of the character in Indirect case the narrator do have a control but still merge the idea to the character, and Free Indirect Discourse is realized when the formal perspective of direct discourse and indirect discourse used in the same time. The realization of free indirect discourse is analyzed by formal features (deixis, tense usage, character speech markers) of Free Indirect Discourse that described its function, the analysis show Free Indirect Dicourse can mislead the reader perception from whose point of view the story is told. The analysis of formal features show the reason why Free Indirect Discourse used in the novel, because the formal perspective of both direct discourse and indirect discourse are used together in free indirect discourse. Free Indirect Discourse is not only characterizes the modes but also helps to convey the narrator?s attitude towards Emma character. The result of the study showed that the function of using free indirect discourse are also the reason why free indirect discourse used in the novel. Free Indirect Discourse can give complex understanding of the novel, where narrator, characters and reader can freely took a part to give their assumption in the story. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara