The Realization of Gender Arguments in Instagram (A Case Study of Donald Trump’s Political Status)
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Putri, Rindy Kencana
Gender Language 
2018-12-19 01:59:53 
Abstract :
This thesis entitled ?The Realization of Gender Argument in Instagram (A Case Study of Donald Trump?s Political Status) which contained the way of male and female participants in delivering arguments on Instagram. The purposes of this study are; to find out the types of argument those occur in Instagram and to describe how the gender arguments about Donald Trump?s Political status are realized in Instagram. The data in this study are thirty arguments; fifteen arguments are from male and fifteen arguments are from female. The data were selected in about a month. This research is conducted by applying qualitative descriptive research. Types of argument analysis by using Barwise theory showed that male Instagram participants tend to use conjunction, negation, conditional and disjunction to convey their argument in Instagram while female Instagram participants tend to use negation, conjunction and conditional in Instagram. The realization of argument analysis by using Andrew theory showed that male Instagram participants tend to argue logically whereas female Instagram participants tend to argue illogically. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara