Pengaruh Molecular Sieve 4Ǻ Terhadap Penyerapan CO2 dan H2O dalam Pemurniaan Oksigen dan Nitrogen di PT. Aneka Gas Industri
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Universitas Sumatera Utara
Istiqomah, Siti
Molecular Sieve 4Ǻ 
2018-12-19 06:42:59 
Abstract :
Has conducted research on the effect of molecular sieve absorption 4? to CO2 and H2O in the purification of oxygen and nitrogen in the PT. Aneka Gas Industri. Molecular Sieve 4? is a molecular sieve to adsorb carbon dioxide and water vapor by high pressure and desorption at lower pressures. The maximum standard levels of CO2 and H2O levels are at 5.0 ppm, if the levels of CO2 and H2O levels exceed the maximum standards of purity, it can lead to impaired oxygen and nitrogen. 

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Universitas Sumatera Utara